Plastic island
Sep 25, 2019
Plastic is a common element in our day to day, we just have to pay a little attention in our shopping cart or in the waste we discard every time we buy something new to realize this fact.
In recent decades, the great impact of this way of life has been revealed and although there are more and more people worried and aware of the problem, and even some governments are beginning to take concrete measures, the fact is that, as of Today, there are several plastic islands in our oceans.
According to Wikipedia, these ocean dumps are characterized by exceptionally high concentrations of suspended plastic and other debris trapped in the currents.
A more ambitious regulation and some changes in our habits are essential to try to reverse this situation.
Some very simple ways to reduce your plastic consumption
1- Cloth bags for day to day
Since 2018, businesses that deliver plastic bags in our country are required to charge for them. This simple fact has reduced the consumption of such products relatively.
Although the best way to save plastic is to use reusable bags. Organic cotton tote bags are the perfect alternative. They fit inside a backpack, purse or even in your pocket, they are very resistant and every time you use them you save the planet the use of a plastic bag.
In addition to being made of organic cotton somehow you know that its production is sustainable.

2- The Yogurt Maker
If you are a big consumer of this type of dairy, do not imagine how easy it is to make your own yogurts. You only need a yogurt maker, milk and a yogurt to make seven new yogurts.
For this you will always use the seven washable and reusable containers of the device itself, so you will reduce waste creation considerably and you can also make this food as you like.
It is an economical device and very simple to use. Doesn't it convince you? We leave you this promotional video (Ufesa, although there are many brands) so you can see what it is.
3- Do not order straw
Neither the coffee lid and try not to use plastic cutlery or disposable tableware. The European Union has already declared war on these types of products but it will take several years to implement the bans.
In Spain alone thirteen million straws are used and discarded per day.Apply something like that to the almost 200 countries in the world and multiply it for 10 years
At the moment with small gestures and changes in habits we can do a lot to reduce our footprint. It is as simple as not asking for a straw or, if possible, not putting the plastic lid on coffee or soda.
4- Avoid lightweight plastic bags
When we buy fruit and other products in bulk we use these small semi-transparent bags to measure or weigh our purchase.
There are many places that offer the possibility of weighing it in your own cloth bag (or even without a bag). We are not talking only about small stores, we are referring to large supermarket chains that are increasingly open to let fruits or vegetables be weighed without a bag (in the box) or in your own bag.
For this it is a good idea to always carry one or two cloth bags, so you will always have a comfortable and sustainable way to transport your purchases.

5- ... do you propose something?
If you have any other advice or idea to try to produce less waste, comment, share and give us new ideas.
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¡Me encanto el post!
Dejar de comprar carne en el supermercado y comprarla en el carnicero, que no tiene tanto plástico.